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Saliva Collection Aid and Sample Vials

Saliva Collection Aid: How to Collect the Best Saliva Samples

…some swab materials acted as a filter and interfered with the nature of the sample in ways that we could not predict. At the time, salivary research had not fully…

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How Do I Collect Saliva?

How Does Saliva Collection & Handling Impact Your Study? Depending on your research question and analytes tested, small variations in collection and handling can have dramatic effects on your data…

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Test Saliva at Salimetrics SalivaLab

The Highest Quality BSL-2 Saliva Testing The high-quality Salimetrics SalivaLab has been an integral part of Salimetrics since the company was founded and has assayed millions of saliva samples. Salivary…

Salivary ELISA Kit

HS Salivary Estriol ELISA Kit

Salimetrics High Sensitivity (HS) Assay #1-1802 The Salimetrics Salivary Estriol (17b-triol) ELISA kit was designed for the laboratory determination of estriol in saliva samples. By making use of Salimetrics reagents,…

Salivary ELISA Kit

Salivary Interleukin-6 ELISA Kit

Salimetrics Assay #1-3602 The Salimetrics Salivary IL-6 (Interleukin-6) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of IL-6 in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Salivary IL-6…

Salivary ELISA Kit

Salivary Interleukin-1 Beta ELISA Kit

Salimetrics Assay #1-3902 The Salimetrics Salivary IL-1 Beta (IL-1B, Interleukin-1 beta, IL-1β) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of IL-1 Beta in saliva samples for research

Salivary ELISA Kit

Salivary Progesterone ELISA Kit

Salimetrics Assay #1-1502 The Salimetrics Salivary Progesterone (P4) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of progesterone in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a…

Salivary ELISA Kit

Diagnostic Salivary DHEA ELISA Kit (CE Mark)

Salimetrics Assay #1-2212 (in vitro diagnostic use) The Salimetrics Salivary DHEA Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of DHEA in saliva samples for research and biomedical…

Salivary ELISA Kit

Salivary Estriol ELISA Kit

Salimetrics Assay #1-1802 The Salimetrics Salivary Estriol (17b-triol) ELISA kit was designed for the laboratory determination of estriol in saliva samples. By making use of Salimetrics reagents, this saliva assay…

Salivary ELISA Kit

Salivary Estrone ELISA Kit

Salimetrics Assay #1-3202 The Salimetrics Salivary Estrone (E1) Enzyme Immunoassay Kit was specifically designed to standardize the detection of estrone in saliva samples for research and biomedical laboratories. Using a…

Salivary Bioscience Bulletin Logo

Piloting Salivary Oxytocin – Observations and Opportunities for Research

…their results. The table below, featuring key improvements with Salimetrics, illustrates the average results of specific methods from Salimetrics’ validation criteria (full validation report available on request). Oxytocin Validation Summary…

Salivary Bioscience Bulletin Logo

A Better Way to Manage Your Saliva Collection Study

Drop Date: April 2021
In This Drop: A Better Way to Manage Your Saliva Collection Study.

Salivary Bioscience Bulletin Logo

SBB – Salivary Alpha-Amylase and Stress

Drop Date: May 2009
In This Drop: Salivary alpha-amylase as a non-invasive biomarker for the sympathetic nervous system

Salivary Bioscience Bulletin Logo

SBB – The Curious Case of Salivary Alpha-Amylase

Drop Date: May 2015
In This Drop: Impact and Scientific Critical Mass of Salivary Alpha-Amylase

A modified bit device can be used to measure saliva in horses

…used within EAS. Future research should enhance methodological rigor, including in the process and timing, thereby contributing to the bit’s validation. View Abstract Keywords: Saliva, equine, horses, animalhealth, horsestress, animalwelfare…

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