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Salivary Bioscience News

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Salivary Bioscience News

Prenatal Maternal Salivary Cortisol Related to Child’s Health

Prospective Relations Between Prenatal Maternal Cortisol and Child Health Outcomes. Author: Roettger ME, et al. (2019), Psychosom Med. OBJECTIVE: To investigate prospective, longitudinal associations between maternal prenatal cortisol response to an interpersonal stressor and child health over the subsequent three years. METHODS: 123 women expecting their first child provided salivary cortisol samples between 12-32 weeks […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Physical and Emotional Abuse Shows Indirect Effects on Cortisol Reactivity

Childhood abuse predicts affective symptoms via HPA reactivity during mother-infant stress. Author: Kern S & Laurent HK. (2019), Psychoneuroendocrinology. ABSTRACT: Despite extensive literature positing the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis as a mechanism in the association between early childhood maltreatment and later adult psychopathology, empirical support for this full pathway is lacking. We tested indirect effects of […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala Activity Lead to Differing Individual Psychosocial Stress Emotional Responses

Amygdala and prefrontal cortex activity varies with individual differences in the emotional response to psychosocial stress. Author: Orem TR, et al. (2019), Behav Neurosci. ABSTRACT Stress elicits a variety of psychophysiological responses that show large interindividual variability. Determining the neural mechanisms that mediate individual differences in the emotional response to stress would provide new insight […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Gender-Based Violence May Have a Higher Impact on Marginalized Women

Gender-based violence and trauma in marginalized populations of women: Role of biological embedding and toxic stress. Author: Sabri B, et al. (2018), Health Care Women Int. ABSTRACT Gender-based violence (GBV) and trauma can dysregulate and recalibrate environmentally sensitive physiological (i.e. central nervous, endocrine, and immune) systems placing survivors at risk for multiple health problems. The […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Early Head Start Services Improve Infants’ Cortisol Regulation and Recovery

Improving Infants’ Stress-Induced Cortisol Regulation through Attachment-Based Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial Author: Berlin LJ, et al. (2019), Psychoneuroendocrinology. ABSTRACT Attachment-based parenting interventions have shown positive effects on early cortisol regulation, a key biomarker. Evaluations to date have focused on diurnal cortisol production in high-risk infants. It is important to understand whether attachment-based intervention may […]

Better Saliva Laboratory Feature

Laboratory Technician/Manager Employment Opportunity at the University of New South Wales (UNSW)

The newly opened University of New South Wales (UNSW) Salivary Bioscience Research Centre (SBRC) housed within the School of Psychology is hiring a Laboratory Technician/Manager (Senior Technical Officer). The mission of the SBRC is to serve as a University service centre by enabling access to high quality salivary assay services and technical support for a […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary DHEA-Cortisol Ratio Associations with Parental Maltreatment and Juvenile Incarcerated Male Psychopathy

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its ratio to cortisol moderate associations between maltreatment and psychopathology in male juvenile offenders Author: Kimonis ER, et al. (2019), Psychoneuroendocrinology. ABSTRACT This study examined whether DHEA and its ratio to cortisol moderated risk for psychopathology among incarcerated youth exposed to childhood maltreatment. Resistance to stress-related psychopathology under adversity was also examined in […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Cortisol as a Target Mediator for Therapeutic Horseback Riding Effects in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Replication Pilot Trial of Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Cortisol Collection With Children on the Autism Spectrum Author: Zhaoxing P, et al. (2019), Frontiers. ABSTRACT We aimed to determine whether results of our prior randomized control trial [RCT; NCT02301195, (1)] of Therapeutic Horseback Riding (THR) for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) could be replicated […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary Cortisol and DHEA are Inversely Correlated with Early Postnatal Growth and Blood Pressure in Extremely Preterm Children

Adrenal function links to early postnatal growth and blood pressure at age 6 in children born extremely preterm Author: Watterberg KL, et al. (2018), Pediatric Research. BACKGROUND: Low birth weight in term-born individuals correlates with adverse cardiometabolic outcomes; excess glucocorticoid exposure has been linked to these relationships. We hypothesized that cortisol and adrenal androgens would correlate […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary Cotinine Assay Determines Association between Second Hand Smoke and Caregiver Stress in Children

Association between second hand smoke (SHS) exposure and caregiver stress in children with poorly controlled asthma. Author: Butz AM, et al. (2018), J Asthma. OBJECTIVE: Urban children with asthma experience high rates of second hand smoke (SHS) exposure. The objective was to examine whether SHS exposure is associated with symptom frequency in children with poorly controlled […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Low Salivary Alpha-Amylase Awakening Response Associated with Reduced Professional Efficacy

Reduced professional efficacy is associated with a blunted salivary alpha-amylase awakening response. Author: Landolt K, et al. (2018), Physiol Behav. ABSTRACT: The job demands-resources model (JD-R) has shown an ability to predict worker engagement and exhaustion, yet to our knowledge, research has not been conducted that assesses the JD-R model with physiological indicators of chronic stress […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Cortisol Reactivity as a Predictor of Weight Gain Among Prenatally Drug-Exposed Girls

Cortisol reactivity and weight gain among adolescents who vary in prenatal drug exposure. Author: Armstrong B, et al. (2018), Pediatr Obes. OBJECTIVE: Low inhibitory control is linked with weight gain among youth. Inhibitory problems are associated with disruption to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis cortisol response. Increased cortisol predicts appetite and weight gain (though may be gender specific). This study hypothesized that cortisol reactivity explains […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary Cotinine Suggests Infants from Low-Income Families have a Higher Smoke Exposure Risk

Magnitude and Chronicity of Environmental Smoke Exposure Across Infancy and Early Childhood in a Sample of Low-Income Children. Author: Gatzke-Kopp LM, et al. (2018), Nicotine Tob Res. INTRODUCTION: Infants and young children may be at an increased risk for second- and thirdhand exposure to tobacco smoke because of increased respiration rate and exposure to surface residue. […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary Uric Acid May Be Associated with Cardiovascular Health Risks in African Americans

Salivary uric acid: Associations with resting and reactive blood pressure response to social evaluative stress in healthy African Americans. Author: Woerner J, et al. (2018), Psychoneuroendocrinology. ABSTRACT: High levels of uric acid are associated with greater risk of stress-related cardiovascular illnesses that occur disproportionately among African Americans. Whether hyperuricemia affects biological response to acute stress remains largely […]

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Postdoctoral Scholar Employment Opportunity at UCI’s IISBR

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research (IISBR) at the University of California, Irvine invites applications for a non-tenure track appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar. The initial position will be for a two-year period. The position is grant funding and may be renewed annually. The Scholar will work with an interdisciplinary team to analyze and […]

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