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Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary testosterone / salivary cortisol ratio may predict a team player’s social popularity

…The sample size consisted of 41 male rugby athletes from Burnaby, Canada. Using social network analysis (SNA), three measures of centrality were investigated: popularity (i.e., the number of incoming ties…

Salivary Bioscience News

Sympathetic and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal asymmetry in generalized anxiety disorder

…or the other. Using a ratio of salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) over salivary cortisol, the present study examined symmetry between the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and HPA axis in individuals with…

COVID-19 in Saliva

Salimetrics’ Team Supports NIH Funded SARS-CoV-2 Post-Vaccination Study of Women’s Health

A new study seeks to investigate SARS CoV-2 vaccine effects on menstruation in female adolescents using salivary bioscience with the support of Salimetrics. While the current SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are considered…

Salivary Bioscience News

Latent Trait Cortisol level reflects accumulation of both distal and recent forms of stress

…alters such indicators is unknown. Using objective contextual stress interviews with adolescent girls and their mothers, we examined the impact of recent acute and chronic stress occurring during the past…

Salivary Bioscience News

Sex hormone variations in both sexes may be important when investigating stress physiology

…that women have higher morning cortisol. Correlations using area under the curve formulae revealed intriguing sex-specific associations with progesterone in men and testosterone in women that we propose have implications…

Salivary Bioscience News

Effects of prematurity, cumulative medical risk, and proximal and distal social forces on HPA axis

for Nursing This study examined the effects of prematurity, cumulative medical risk, and proximal and distal social forces on individual differences in the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in…

Children’s Saliva Collection Swab Device Training (SCS)

…easy way? Watch this video where Marci from Salimetrics demonstrates how to collect saliva samples using the SalivaBio’s Children’s Swab (SCS) and how to place the SCS in the Swab…

Salivary Total IgG

Salivary SARS-CoV-2 IgG Assay: A practical alternative for screening and monitoring vaccine antibody response and seroprevalence.

…non-invasive sampling method for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. However, data comparing performance of salivary tests against commercially-available serologic and neutralizing antibody (nAb) assays are lacking. This study compared the…

Salivary Bioscience News

Latent trait salivary cortisol & stress-related cardiovascular risk factors

Salivary latent trait cortisol (LTC): Relation to lipids, blood pressure, and body composition in middle childhood Author: Yeung EW, et al (2016), Psychoneuroendocrinology. Adversity experienced early in life has the…

Salivary Bioscience News

High prestige in social groups increases salivary testosterone levels in men

…effects of previous experiences of prestige-assessed using community-wide nominations of talent and advice provision-on intraindividual changes in testosterone in a large-scale naturalistic community. Results revealed that men who achieve high…

Salivary Bioscience News

Non-invasive oral fluid immunoassay for hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection

…(HEV) infection causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly among pregnant women. In clinical settings blood-based testing protocols are commonly used to diagnose HEV infection, but in community settings such…

Salivary Bioscience News

Testosterone levels impair emotion-recognition ability during test

…on the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we found that a single administration of testosterone in 16 young women significantly altered connectivity of the…

Saliva Collection Training – Passive Drool

How to collect Passive Drool saliva samples with a Cryovial and SalivaBio’s Saliva Collection Aid. Ready to provide your passive drool sample the easy way? In this video, Marci from…

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary Interleukin-6 as a potential non-invasive biomarker for Huntington’s Disease progression

…= 52 healthy controls, using immunoassays. We found increases in salivary levels of IL-6, IL-1B and CRP across different disease groups and increased levels of IL-6 in the plasma of…

Salivary Bioscience Bulletin Logo

SBB – Salivary DNA Sequencing for Genetic Markers

Drop Date: August 2009
In This Drop: Genetic factors and cortisol production

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