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Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary Bioscience News

Measuring salivary transferrin to determine blood contamination levels

April 13, 2017

A statistical method to calculate blood contamination in the measurement of salivary hormones in healthy women. Author: Behr GA, et al. (2016), Clinical Biochemistry OBJECTIVES: Previous studies have reported that salivary concentrations of certain hormones correlate with their respective serum levels. However, most of these studies did not control for potential blood contamination in saliva. […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary cotinine shows personalized outreach improves participation in smoking cessation services

March 30, 2017

Effectiveness of personalised risk information and taster sessions to increase the uptake of smoking cessation services (Start2quit): a randomised controlled trial. Author: Gilbert H, et al (2017), The Lancet BACKGROUND: National Health Service Stop Smoking Services (SSSs) offer help to smokers motivated to quit; however, attendance rates are low and recent figures show a downward […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary DNA analysis shows exercise reduces genetic risk for depression and suicidal ideation

March 23, 2017

A genetic risk factor for major depression and suicidal ideation is mitigated by physical activity Author: Taylor MK, et al. (2017), Psychiatry Research We evaluated associations of five candidate polymorphisms (Bcl1 [rs41423247], -2C/G [rs2070951], COMT [rs737865], Val66Met [rs6265], and 5HTTLPR [biallelic and triallelic [5HTTLPR/rs25531]) with probable MDD and suicidal ideation (SI), the effects of physical […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Evidence supports studying cortisol and DHEA in concert

March 8, 2017

Cortisol and DHEA in development and psychopathology Author: Karmin HS, et al (2017), Hormones and Behavior Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and cortisol are the most abundant hormones of the human fetal and adult adrenals released as end products of a tightly coordinated endocrine response to stress. Together, they mediate short- and long-term stress responses and enable physiological […]

Insulin in Saliva

Insulin from Saliva: Salimetrics Launches New Testing Protocol to Supplement Modern Obesity Research

February 23, 2017
(February 23, 2016) With salivary insulin testing from Salimetrics' SalivaLab, investigators studying diseases associated with adult and childhood obesity such as type II diabetes mellitus, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and the biological pathways of insulin now have an easy way to get important biological data from more participants. Today, researchers can fast-track sample collection and [...]

Meet daacro, a unique European Salivary Bioscience Consultancy & CRO

February 16, 2017

Meetings are always a good option to meet and exchange. During the next months, you will find daacro at the following meetings and we would enjoy meeting you at one of these occasions. Let us know if you wish to organize your individual meeting with daacro at: March 02 – 03, 2017 2nd OTC Toolbox […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary uric acid associated with BMI, gender, and developmental differences

February 14, 2017

Association between body mass index and salivary uric acid among Mexican-origin infants, youth and adults: Gender and developmental differences. Author: Martínez AD, et al (2016), Dev Psychobiol. Uric acid (UA) is the end product of the metabolic breakdown of purine nucleotides. Recent studies have measured UA in saliva in relation to obesity and chronic disease […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Couples low in dyadic coping display increased immune reactivity in response to stress

February 2, 2017

Dyadic Coping and Salivary Interleukin-6 Responses to Interpersonal Stress Author: Reed RG, et al (2016), Journal of Family Psychology. Dysregulated immune responses to stress are a potential pathway linking close relationship processes to health, and couples’ abilities to cope with stress together (dyadic coping) likely impact such immune responses. Most stress research has focused on […]


Salivary Diagnostics from Salimetrics Support daacro, a German CRO, in neuropattern™ Customization

January 26, 2017
(January 26, 2017) daacro received further EU-funding to participate in the Eurostars-project named “ActiveNutraLife – A new complementary medicine approach for the management of chemotherapy side effects,” from November 2016 until October 2019. This project aims at designing and testing in clinical studies a new complementary medicine approach to speed up the recovery of haematological [...]
Saliva Research Publication Icon

Call for Papers: Psychosomatic Medicine Special Issue

January 20, 2017

The Neuroscience of Pain: Biobehavioral, Developmental, and Psychosocial Mechanisms and Targets for Intervention Guest Editors: Lauren Atlas, PhD, and Mustafa al’Absi, PhD The central nervous system plays a critical role in the association between psychological factors and pain. The neural circuits that are involved in these bi-directional relationships include several systems that influence peripheral processes […]

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