Salivary Stress Biomarkers May be a Useful Tool for Determining the Risk of Stress Maladaptation
June 26, 2018Measuring Resilience to Operational Stress in Canadian Armed Forces Personnel. Author: Hellewll SC & Cernak I. (2018), J Trauma Stress. ABSTRACT Adaptability to stress is governed by innate resilience, comprised of complex neuroendocrine and immune mechanisms alongside inherited or learned behavioral traits. Based on their capacity to adapt, some people thrive in stressful situations, whereas […]
Effect of Service Dogs on the Salivary Cortisol Awakening Response in Veterans with PTSD
June 14, 2018The Effect of a Service Dog on Salivary Cortisol Awakening Response in a Military Population with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Author: Rodriguez KE, et al. (2018), Psychoneuroendocrinology ABSTRACT Recent studies suggest a therapeutic effect of psychiatric service dogs for military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but are limited by self-report biases. The current study […]
PhD scholarship opportunity at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
June 12, 2018A unique opportunity for PhD study at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, has become available. The UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship Scheme aims to attract the best and brightest people into strategic research areas and provide them with an enhanced culture of research excellence, mentoring, career development, leadership and community, with: * $40,000 stipend […]
Salivary Cortisol Associated with Stress and Sleep Patterns in Military Men
June 6, 2018Morning Cortisol Is Associated With Stress and Sleep in Elite Military Men: A Brief Report. Author: Hernández LM, et al. (2018), Mil Med INTRODUCTION: Accumulating evidence suggests that trends in salivary cortisol after awakening may be reliable biological predictors of morbidity and mortality. In a sample of elite military men, our lab recently established summary parameters of morning cortisol as well as […]
Salivary Cytokine Levels in Response to Psycho-Social Stress
The plasmatic and salivary levels of IL-1β, IL-18 and IL-6 are associated to emotional difference during stress in young male Author: La Fratta I, et al (2018), Sci Rep BACKGROUND: Saliva collection is considered a non-invasive method to detect inflammatory markers in response to emotional states within natural social contexts. Numerous studies have prompted an important […]
Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A: The impact of smoke exposure during and after pregnancy
Prenatal and postnatal cigarette and cannabis exposure: Effects on Secretory Immunoglobulin A in early childhood. Author: Molnar DS, et al. (2018), Neurotoxicol Teratol. BACKGRUOND: AIMS: Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA) plays a critical role in immune functioning by preventing pathogens from adhering to epithelial mucosa. Most infectious agents enter the body via mucosal surfaces, thus SIgA […]
Call for Papers on Salivary Bioscience in Behavioral Medicine
May 29, 2018INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE Letter of Intent Deadline: November 15, 2018 Facilitated by advances in salivary bioscience, great strides over the past several decades have been made in understanding how psychological and social factors “get under the skin.” Research utilizing salivary markers of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity, sympathetic nervous system activation, as well as other […]
High prestige in social groups increases salivary testosterone levels in men
May 23, 2018Prestige in a large-scale social group predicts longitudinal changes in testosterone. Author: Cheng JT, et al. (2018), J Pers Soc Psychol. BACKGROUND: In many social species, organisms adaptively fine-tune their competitive behavior in response to previous experiences of social status: Individuals who have prevailed in the past preferentially compete in the future, whereas those who […]
Salivary cytokine shows elevated communication and interaction fears may heighten neuroendocrine and inflammatory responses
May 17, 2018Communication and social interaction anxiety enhance interleukin-1 beta and cortisol reactivity during high-stakes public speaking. Author: Auer BJ, et al (2018), Psychoneuroendocrinology BACKGROUND: Worry or fear related to speaking in front of others, or more broadly, communicating and interacting with others, is common. At elevated levels, however, it may contribute to heightened stress reactivity during acute […]
Research highlights multi-system perspective for motivation, adolescent depressive symptoms, and HPA axis activation
May 15, 2018An exploratory analysis of the joint contribution of HPA axis activation and motivation to early adolescent depressive symptoms. Author: Rudolph KD, et al (2018), Developmental Psychobiology BACKGROUND: This study examines the interactive contribution of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and approach-avoidance motivation systems to longitudinal changes in depressive symptoms across the adolescent transition. In the summer […]