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Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary Bioscience News

Registration Now Open – ISPNE Conference Irvine 2018

March 21, 2018

Dear ISPNE members and fellow colleagues, We are thrilled to announce that the website and registration for 48th ISPNE Annual Conference, “Diversity, Health, and Resilience: Taking Science Beyond Discoveries,” is now live! The conference will be hosted by the University of California, Irvine, located in beautiful Southern California! The meeting is a wonderful time […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Maternal salivary testosterone in pregnancy and fetal neuromaturation.

Maternal salivary testosterone in pregnancy and fetal neuromaturation Author: Voegtline KM, et al (2017), Developmental Psychobiology Testosterone exposure during pregnancy has been hypothesized as a mechanism for sex differences in brain and behavioral development observed in the postnatal period. The current study documents the natural history of maternal salivary testosterone from 18 weeks gestation of […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary bioscience supports pre-clinical evaluation of new medical device

Preclinical evaluation of the effect of the combined use of the Ethicon Securestrap® Open Absorbable Strap Fixation Device and Ethicon Physiomesh™ Open Flexible Composite Mesh Device on surgeon stress during ventral hernia repair. Author: Sutton N, et al. (2017), Dove Press Aim: To evaluate whether performing ventral hernia repairs using the Ethicon Physiomesh™ Open Flexible […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Measuring salivary melatonin in children and adolescents

In-home salivary melatonin collection: Methodology for children and adolescents Author: Mandrell BN, et al (2017), Developmental Psychobiology In-home salivary collection quality and adherence to a prescribed collection methodology for evaluation of dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) is unknown in children. Primary aims of this study were to 1) describe a novel family centered methodology for […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary cortisol, prematurity and developmental implications

January 12, 2018

Prematurity and perinatal adversity effects hypothalamic – pituitary – adrenal axis reactivity to social evaluative threat in adulthood. Author: Sullivan MC, et al. (2017), Developmental Psychology This study examined the long- term effects of prematurity and perinatal adversity on individual differences in stress- related reactivity and regulation of the HPA axis. A prospective sample of […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Measuring salivary cortisol levels in domestic canines

A systematic review and meta-analysis of salivary cortisol measurement in domestic canines Author: Cobb M, et al (2016), Domestic animal endocrinology Highlights Systematic review and meta- analysis determined reference range for salivary cortisol in dogs There is a large amount of intraindividual and interindividual variability Salivary cortisol concentrations might relate to subject, environment, or experimental […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Salivary DHEA-S, Cortisol show emotional & neuroendocrine response in relation to Telomere Length

Telomere Length and Procedural Justice Predict Stress Reactivity Responses to Unfair Outcomes in African Americans. Author: Lucas T, et al. (2017), Psychoneuroendocrinology Highlights TL predicts how psychosocial factors influence acute stress responses. Stress resiliency reflects telomere and procedural justice congruence. Considering TL as a predictor can advance understanding of racial health disparities. View Abstract Keywords: […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Stress associated with higher salivary CRP levels in infants

January 11, 2018

Association between early life adversity and inflammation during infancy. Author: David J, et al. (2017), Dev Psychobiol. Early life adversity is associated with adult elevations of inflammatory markers such as circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP). Few studies have measured inflammation or its association with psychosocial stress during infancy. Existing evidence suggests that early adversity […]

Salivary Bioscience News

5-HTTLPR variation may influence the impact of early adversity on HPA-axis regulation

Individual Differences in Early Adolescents’ Latent Trait Cortisol: Interaction of Early Adversity and 5-HTTLPR. Author: Chen FR, et al. (2017), Biol Psychol. The present study aimed to examine the interaction of 5-HTTLPR and early adversity on trait-like levels of cortisol. A community sample of 117 early adolescent girls (M age=12.39years) provided DNA samples for 5-HTTLPR […]

Salivary Bioscience News

Effects of prematurity, cumulative medical risk, and proximal and distal social forces on HPA axis

Long-Term Effects of Prematurity, Cumulative Medical Risk, and Proximal and Distal Social Forces on Individual Differences in Diurnal Cortisol at Young Adulthood. Author: Winchester SB, et al. (2017), Biological Research for Nursing This study examined the effects of prematurity, cumulative medical risk, and proximal and distal social forces on individual differences in the activity of […]

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