If you’re thinking about incorporating multi-system measurements through Saliva and Dried Blood Spot (DBS) sampling into your research study, we’re here to help. Below we have assembled a list of frequently asked questions to help provide some general guidance on DBS sampling, and how to best integrate it with saliva samples to maximize the power and integrity of your data.
Table of Contents
I have questions about;
Sample Preparation and Collection
How should participants prepare before collecting a DBS sample?
- Wash hands with warm water for at least 1–2 minutes or rub them together to improve blood flow.
- Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water the day before and the day of collection to promote good circulation.
- Sit in a comfortable position with your hand below heart level to encourage blood flow.
- Take deep breaths and stay relaxed to avoid tensing up.
What is the best finger to use for DBS collection?
The ring finger or middle finger is generally recommended, as they provide good blood flow.
How many spots are needed for analysis?
The number of spots required depends on the specific test, but generally, 3–5 well-sized spots are recommended.
- For Cytokines/CRP/HbA1c (duplicate testing): A minimum of two full, well-sized spots is required, with an additional spot recommended for potential retesting (total of three spots).
- For more than three biomarkers: It is recommended to fill all six spots on the DBS card to ensure sufficient sample volume for testing and any potential retests.
- Each spot should be fully filled for accurate analysis.
Post-Collection Handling & Shipping
How should DBS cards be dried?
- Lay the cards flat in a clean, dry area away from direct sunlight or heat for at least 4 hours or overnight.
- Avoid stacking cards to prevent contamination.
How should DBS samples be stored before shipping?
- After complete drying, store the DBS cards in a Ziploc bag with a desiccant to prevent moisture buildup, which can affect sample quality.
- The cards can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week, but after a week, it is best to store them in a freezer -20c
- Maintaining cold chain management from post-drying through storage and shipping is important for preserving gold standard sample integrity
Do the cards need to be individually bagged or can they be stored together after drying?
The cards can be bagged individually or be stored together (10 max per Ziploc bag with desiccant)
Can DBS samples be shipped at room temperature?
At this time, we do not recommend shipping DBS samples at room temperature.
Do DBS samples require special packaging for shipping?
- Use a Styrofoam container with an outer cardboard box and include frozen gel packs.
- An insulated mailer can be used to maintain the cold chain and protect sample integrity.
Do I need any hazardous labeling for shipping DBS samples?
- No, all shipping documentation should list the contents as “Non-Infectious Exempt Human Specimens.”
- Label the external shipping container as “Exempt Human Specimens.”
- No additional shipping markings are required.
Can I ship DBS samples internationally?
Yes, but export/import permits may be required depending on the destination country.
Troubleshooting Collection Errors
What if I touch the DBS card with my finger?
Touching the blood spots can contaminate the sample. If you accidentally touch a spot, try using a different one.
What if my spots are too small or uneven?
Ensure you are not squeezing your finger too hard, as this can affect sample quality. Also, be sure not to put blood on top of an already collected spot.
Can I redo the collection if I make a mistake?
If the sample is improperly collected, it is best to repeat the collection on a different spot.
How do I know if my sample is of good quality?
- The blood spot card should have large, fully filled circles.
- The spots should be evenly saturated without clots or smears.
- There should be no overlapping spots.
General Questions
Is the recommendation for short term storage at -20C and over 6 months -80C, just like saliva?
DBS samples are stable when stored at -20C for both short and long term storage. However, you can choose to store them with your saliva samples at -20C for short term storage and -80C for long term storage (over 6 months) if you want to keep samples together or storage temperatures consistent.
How long can a DBS card be stored before testing?
DBS samples remain highly stable when stored in the freezer. Research from Dr. McDade confidently supports stability for up to one year.
Is there a recommendation for 2-day or overnight shipping?
We recommend standard overnight at minimum for the highest sample quality.
Still have questions? We’re here to help! Connect with our Dired Blood Spots (DBS) Research Team to get the answers you need.